Welcome to The Complete Herbal Writings of Dr. John R. Christopher, the founder of The School of Natural Healing. This CD contains the full writings of Dr. Christopher's publications in an electronic format (HTML, which is also what the Internet uses).
You can Search through every word on the disc, or use one of the Index Pages to help you easily and quickly find information on ailments, herbs, and products.
This Disc includes:
Information on over 100 herbs.
The reference volume on herbal therapy for the teacher, student or practitioner.
A great book on children's diseases.
Dr. Christopher's Herbal book specifically for women.
Told by his son, read the fascinating story of Dr. Christopher's life.
All of Dr. Christopher's newsletters.
Articles written by Dr. Christopher that were never published.
About Dr. Christopher
Dr. Christopher became a Master Herbalist in 1946 after completing coursework under Dr. H. Knowles at Dominion Herbal College in Vancouver, British Columbia. In 1948 he received his Naturopathic Doctor Degree from the Institute of Drugless Therapy in Tama, Iowa. He continued his studies at the Los Angeles Herbal Institute under the renowned Dr. Edward Shook, receiving his Herbal Pharmacist Degree. He practiced as a professional herbalist in the states of Washington, Wyoming, and Utah. He developed a training program for herbalists and organized The School of Natural Healing in 1953. When political legalities kept him from healing patients in his clinic, he fully applied his talents in instruction and provided herbal education for thousands. In addition to lecturing, he wrote and published other works including Herbal Home Health Care, E very Woman's Herbal, Regenerative Diet, Three Day Cleansing Program, The Incurables, The Cold Sheet Treatment, and Rejuvenation Thru Elimination.
Dr. Christopher's Message is "God intended everyone to have the knowledge to properly care for their own body."
The School of Natural Healing
You can study at Dr. Christopher's School of Natural Healing! Just visit our web-site at www.snh.cc, or call our office for more information at 1-800-372-8255.
This information here is not intended for the use of diagnosing any disease, condition or prescribing any treatment whatsoever. It is offered for informational use only, and for use in maintaining and promoting good health in cooperation with a licensed medical practitioner. No responsibility is assumed by the distributors, author or publisher of this information should the information be used in place of a licensed medical practitioner's services. There is no guarantee of any kind made for the performance or effectiveness of the preparations or methods mentioned on this CD.
This information is to be used for educational purposes only and has been solely based on the historic and traditional use of herbs. This information has not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration, nor has it gone through studies required before a particular product can be deemed truly beneficial or potentially dangerous.
All writings on this CD-Rom are copyrighted. The user is licensed to print information off of this CD-Rom for personal use only. Any commercial or distribution use is strictly prohibited.