Aloe Vera, Aloe Vera; (Liliaceae)
Aloe Vera, Aloe Vera; (Liliaceae)
DESCRIPTION![Aloe Vera Picture](0235e0f0.jpg)
Aloe Vera is a perennial with strong, fibrous roots and numerous, persistent fleshy leaves which proceed from the upper part of the root and become narrow, tapering, thick and fleshy, usually beset at the edges with spiny teeth. The flowers are produced in erect, terminal spikes. There is no calyx, the corolla is tubular, divided into six narrow segments at the mouth and of a red, yellow or purplish color. The capsules contain numerous seeds.
Aloe Vera is one of the ancient plants that is enjoying a tremendous revival in the modern world. Many homes have a pot of the plant sitting on the windowsill to use in cases of kitchen burns. Also, Aloe Vera has become the subject of much modern research. A general practitioner in Minnesota treated a patient who had stepped into a vat of boiling water at a canning factory. The man had severe burns from his feet to his knees. An Aloe Vera ointment was prepared, placed on gauze and wrapped around the man’s legs. Pain was kept to a minimum, there was no infection, and no scar tissue formed because of this treatment. After three weeks, the man was able to return to work.
A study published in The International Journal of Dermatology reported great success in treating chronic leg ulcers with Aloe Vera. These long-term ulcers are often resistant to treatment, despite the many modern preparations available. This study told of a man who for fifteen years had a leg ulcer that would not respond to treatment with a wide range of drugs and ointments. After only ten weeks of Aloe Vera treatment, the ulcer began to shrink and new, healthy skin tissue began to appear. A similar case, a man with a seven year old ulcer was treated with Aloe Vera pulp. Six weeks after treatment began, the pain had subsided and the ulcer began to heal.
Other studies have shown equally impressive results in treatment of X-ray burns. Two American researchers described the results of Aloe Vera treatment for a patient suffering from severe X- ray burns on the forehead. After five weeks, the forehead had not only healed, but the texture of the treated skin was even softer and smoother than that of the untreated skin. X-ray and other radiation burns do not begin to heal like other wounds and often do not respond to customary burn treatment. But according to the hospitals that used it, Aloe Vera ointment was fifty percent better for burn treatment than other remedies previously considered effective.
Aloe Vera--along with the other Aloes--is so ancient that legend places its origin in the Garden of Eden. It originates in the cradle of humanity in Asia Minor and is one of the few plants known the world over by its scientific name. Aloe Vera means True Aloe (to distinguish it from 200 species of Aloe); Aloe is from the Arabic alloeh or the Hebrew halal, meaning a shining, bitter substance. Aloe Vera is sometimes referred to as Aloe barbadensis, a native of northern Africa but introduced into the Barbados Islands in the seventeenth century. It is said that a certain variety of A. barbadensis is the actual Aloe Vera.
Those who apply the cave man theory consider that ancient man noticed that Aloes, along with other plants of the class of Xeroids, could close their stomata completely to avoid loss of water. When a Xeroid is wounded, it closes the wound almost immediately so that the plant will retain its water in the usually hot climates in which it grows. Ancient man, goes the theory, conjectured that the plant must work the same for healing humans as it healed itself, and began to use it.
Whether this theory holds water or not, the clear gel inside the plant’s leaves has been regarded as powerful medicine for centuries. According to legend, Nefertiti and Cleopatra use it to enhance their beauty, and Alexander the Great conquered Socotra because he wanted the island’s Aloes to heal his troops’ wounds. Marco Polo reported that the Chinese used Aloes to treat stomach ailments, rashes, and other disorders. The Egyptians used the plant medicinally; in 1500 B.C. the Papyrus Ebers listed many healing properties of the Aloes, which were known long before this document.
Dioscorides listed this plant as an important medicine. He said that it could be used for wounds, stomach pain and digestive disorders, constipation, headache, itching, baldness, mouth and gum diseases, kidney ailments, blistering, sunburn and blemishes.
You will recall that Aloes are mentioned in the Bible. Although the Aloes of the Old Testament were probably other plants, those brought by Nicodemus to embalm the body of Jesus were doubtless the true Aloes. This juice was used by the Egyptians, who were accomplished in the art of embalming. This drug was imported to Palestine at the time and was very expensive; that Nicodemus brought a hundred pounds of it, with myrrh, indicates that he was very rich(Mold:35).
Columbus’ ship log refers to medicinal uses of the plant for sailors. Indian tribes living where the plant grew relied upon it for healing, especially for burns and other ailments. They called it“wands of heaven”. Spanish missionaries brought Aloes with them to America and carried them from place to place to help the sick. Other common names for the plant include American Aloe--although this name properly refers to the agave plant, which is entirely unrelated to Aloes--Utah Aloe, Virginian Agave, Rattlesnake Master, Healing Aloe, Savila, and Indian Medicine Aloe (Herbalist:I :8:289).
Interesting ritual and religious associations have developed around Aloes. The Mahometans, especially those in Egypt, are said to regard the Aloe as a religious symbol, and anyone who has made a pilgrimage to the shrine of the Prophet is entitled to hang the Aloe over his doorway. The Mahometans also believe that this holy symbol protects a household from a malign influence (Grieves -Modern Herbal28). In Cairo, the Jews have adopted the practice of hanging up the Aloe. Near Mecca, at the extremity of every grave, on a spot facing the epitaph, Burckhardt found planted a low shrubby species of Aloe whose Arabic name, “saber”, means patience. This Plant is evergreen and requires very little water. Its name refers to the waiting time between burial and the resurrection morning (Ibid.).
It is mentioned in the ancient English herbals as one of the drugs recommended to Alfred the Great by the Patriarch of Jerusalem, and is therefore thought to have been known in Britain as early as the tenth century, being brought into Europe by way of the Red Sea and Alexandria. As the herb, along with the centers of civilization, moved away from the areas where it thrived, it fell somewhat into disuse until the 1930’s, where the first X-rays, being very crude, caused serious burns that responded to no other treatments except Aloes. Some think it ironic that the atom bomb and the X-ray were needed in modern times to bring about a rebirth of interest in the ancient Aloe Vera and other Aloes.
Aloe Vera is much prescribed externally nowadays, although its internal uses are many as well. Its most common use for most people is as a burn medicine. Although ointments are now widely available for burns which feature Aloe Vera, probably the most common use of the plant is to cut off a leaf, trim it of its prickles, split it in two, and lay the wet interior on the burn itself The pain subsides within minutes and often blistering and scarring are totally eliminated. Some consider that its use in burns may not be that useful, that much study should be done before it can be accepted as a burn treatment (Spoerke:22), but empirical experience, even among doctors, suggests that it really works to heal burns. Doctors at the burn unit of the University of Washington School of Medicine said that “it may decrease pruritus (itching) and peeling related to burns” (Bri:8 1). They considered that the plant’s gel has antimicrobial properties and will kill pain (Bri:8 1). Some consider that the gel stops and reverses the burning process and regenerates the skin tissue (Neb:5 1). When there is a painful burn on the finger, you can apply a split leaf to the burn and bind it on with a bandage. If the burn is somewhat severe, it may take some time for the pain to subside, but our experience shows that it surely works to relieve pain and heal the burn.
Other burns are said to respond specifically to the application of Aloe Vera. It has been widely used to treat sunburn; it is part of traditional Hawaiian medical teaching that the gel will stop the pain and promote healing of sunburned skin. Significantly, the gel has been successfully used to heal the burns from X-ray and cancer radiation treatments. A study sponsored by the Atomic Energy Commission found that treatment of an ulcer caused by beta radiation was reduced from four months to two months with applications of the juice. They found that the lubricants in the leaves of the plant seemed to reduce scarring and also the astringent qualities of the juice cleansed the afflicted area. The gel can be used to allay heat wherever it occurs in the body.
Other external uses for the herb include treatment for all kinds of wounds--scrapes, cuts, etc. The gel seems to mildly kill the germs on the surface and promote healing. The herb is high in calcium, which reduces bleeding with its coagulating action, at the same time helping to stimulate circulation of blood in the surrounding areas to bring oxygen to the surface.
Aloe Vera penetrates the skin quickly and deeply. This allows water and other moisturizers to sink deeply into the skin, restoring lost fluids and replacing the fatty layer. It permits the uronic acids, which strip toxic materials of their harmful effects, to penetrate deeply and allows the cleansing astringent qualities of the gel to work better. By increasing the circulation of the blood to an area, Aloe Vera sloughs off dead cells and fosters the growth of new ones. This helps foster the regeneration of scarred or blemished skin tissue and provides a protective coating on the skin to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria. This antiseptic action also stops skin infections (acne) in oil-clogged pores. It heals blemishes with little or no scarring. This accounts for the multitude of cosmetic preparations these days contain Aloe Vera.
For those who do not like commercial deodorant preparations--and the absorption of the aluminum in almost every commercial preparation is a cause of bad health for many people--the fresh Aloe Vera gel, applied directly, works as an excellent deodorant. A piece of the plant, held in the mouth and allowed to release its juice, clears the throat for singers and speakers. It can stop itching, and as an anti-inflammatory agent has an action like that of steroids. One study reported that Aloe Vera inhibited the growth of several kinds of bacteria, including staphylococcus and salmonella, although more research has yet to be done on the plant’s bacteriological properties. It has been used to reduce the itch of insect bites, the itching and burning of poison ivy, and to help remove warts, the juice of the fresh leaf being applied daily over a period of weeks until the wart is reduced or removed.
Some people use the gel on their hair, and many commercial shampoo and conditioner formulas contain the gel. For many years one beauty shop operator has used the gel straight as a hair set. She said that it improves hair sheen and helps scalp abrasions. Indians in Mexico have used the Aloe Vera juice straight from the plant. They wet their hair at night, apply the juice, and after letting it dry all night, rinse it out in the morning. This is supposed to add luster, richness, and manageability to the hair. Aloe Vera has almost the same pH factor as skin and hair, which can account for its cosmetic effect.
Dried to a powder--the usual way for preserving the gel for medicinal uses--the gel can be mixed with a little water and applied to the nipples when a mother wishes to wean her infant. The bitter taste will inhibit nursing! The dried powder is also applied to running ulcers on the skin, absorbing the old, putrid matter and encouraging the growth of new skin.
Aloe Vera has had one main internal use, as a very powerful laxative, more active than senna or cascara. It is rarely used alone because it causes griping, and is not recommended for people with hemorrhoids, as its prompt and urgent action irritates piles. A tea of ginger and licorice root can help alleviate the griping of the action. It can activate digestion and even expel pinworms from the system, but because it is so active, it should not be used by a pregnant woman or during the menstrual period. A nursing mother will transmit the purgative action through her milk to the infant, and so should avoid its use as well.
The herb has been used for women’s problems and is said to be an excellent cleansing douche for discharge problems. Some women have taken it to bring on suppressed menstruation.
Aloe Vera has recently been tested to confirm the empirical application for stomach and digestive ulcers. After reading about the Soviet Union’s studies of Aloe Vera and peptic ulcers, doctors in Florida tested it for themselves. Twelve patients of varying ages who had ulcers were treated with Aloe Vera gel. In every case, after the juice or gel was ingested, the ulcers healed and no relapse occurred within a year of treatment. Aloe Vera is also thought to perhaps prevent the development of peptic ulcers because it is able to inhibit the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, too much of which irritates the stomach’s lining and leads to ulcers. A normal person’s digestion would not be affected, however, other than leading to better assimilation and therefore better health.
Aloe Vera taken internally is said to help maintain good blood vessel tone and healthy circulation. The potassium in the plant is said to aid the heart’s rhythm and stimulate the kidney to dispose of body wastes. The herb is said to help the action of digestive enzymes and deter kidney stones. The plant is said to assist oxygen carrying throughout the system.
Aloe Vera has been used to treat chronic nose congestion. Patients treated with Aloe Vera were able to breathe and smell with greater ease, also with a significant decrease in nasal secretion.
Other interesting claims for Aloe Vera include curing anemia and bed-wetting, and, applied externally, relieving the pain of arthritis. It is said to replace lost hair and eliminate liver spots.
In the Doctrine of Signatures, the thick yellow juice that exudes from the leaf signifies the skin(Harris: Complete :57).
In India, varieties other than the A. vera are more commonly used, but the official plant is employed for X-ray ulcers (IMM:56).
Used for severe burns, chronic leg ulcers, X-ray burns, sunburn, radiation burns from the treatment of cancer, to reduce scarring, for wounds, scrapes, and cuts, as a deodorant, to clear the throat, for itching and insect bites, as a cleaning douche, for digestive ulcers in the stomach, for peptic ulcers, to remove warts, to wean infants and for nose congestion.
Aloe Vera is extremely easy to grow. In hot climates it can be maintained in the garden just as any other succulent and it multiplies prolifically. For indoor use, just plant the Aloe Vera in a pot, preferably clay for good drainage, with a standard potting mix, perhaps just on the sandy side to approximate desert conditions. Dry soil indicates the need for water. Repot when the plant outgrows the pot and when many little starts form; you can put these in pots for new plants. When you need the plant for use, just pinch off an adequate section of leaf, trim off the prickles, and squeeze out the gel or apply directly to the wound.
Commercially, the Aloe juice is drained from a cut plant and placed in a copper vessel. There evaporates and when it obtains the proper consistency, is poured into metal containers and allowed to harden.
Many of the Aloes are medicinal. A. Parryi produces Socotrine Aloes. This is used similarly to A. vera. A. indica is also known as Indian Aloes, cultivated throughout India in many varieties and also found wild there. It is used for worms in children, as an eye-medicine, and for many of the uses ascribed to A. vera. A. littoralis produces small aloe or cape aloe; it is said to be less medicinal than the Aloe Vera. Other varieties include A. ferox A africana and A. spicata.
The gel from the leaf contains a miraculous number of substances, including polysaccharides which are said to be the basis for healing in bums.
Aloe Vera was successfully used in peptic ulcer therapy, as mentioned above (Journal of American Osteopathic Assoc., 62:731-5). The research on its use in radiation-caused ulcers spans quite a period of time, but current research confirms its superiority in treating such ulcers and burns (Journal of Reontgenogv, 33, No. 1, pages 396-7).
Aloe Vera was proven to be anti-bacteriostatic against streptococcus, staphylococcus and other bacteria (Journal of Pharm. Science, Vol. 53, page 1287).
Beauty Facial Cream contains Aloe Vera.