Shepherd's Purse, Capsella bursa- pastoris; (Cruciferae)
Shepherd's Purse, Capsella bursa- pastoris; (Cruciferae)
The plant is green, but somewhat rough with hairs. The main leaves, two to six inches long, are very variable in form, either irregularly pirinatifid or entire and toothed. When not in flower, it may be distinguished by its radiating leaves of which the outer lie close to the earth.
The slender stem, which rises from the crown of the root, from the center of the rosette of radical leaves, is usually sparingly branched. It is smooth, except at the lower part and bears a few, small, oblong leaves, arrow-shaped at the base and above them, numerous small, white inconspicuous flowers which are self-fertilized and followed by wedge-shaped fruit pods, divided by narrow partitions into two cells, which contain numerous oblong yellow seeds. When ripe, the pod separates into two boat shaped valves. The odor of the plant is peculiar and rather unpleasant, though more cress like than pungent. It has an aromatic and biting taste but is less acrid than most of the Cruciferae family (Gri:738).
Once you identify this little plant, you will be able to find it anywhere whether it is growing on poor soil and only attains the height of a couple of inches or whether it grows in good soil and flourishes to two or more feet in height.
Shepherd's purse is one of the most familiar weeds in the world. It is so insignificant in appearance that many people even overlook its presence, yet Grieve considered it one of the most important medicinal plants of its family. Possibly its most familiar use in present day herbal practice is taking it after childbirth to prevent hemorrhaging and indeed the most common historical claims for the plant are as a styptic.
The plant receives its common name from the shape of its seed pods which resemble an old fashioned leather purse which used to be carried by shepherds. It has many other similar names: shepherd's bag, shepherd's scrip, shepherd's sprout. It was also called lady's purse, witches' pouches, pick-pocket and pick-purse. Another name is pepper-and-salt referring to its peppery taste which has made it useful, in times of scarcity, as a seasoning for food. It is similarly used like pepper grass which is dried and ground, to be sprinkled over food like pepper. It's also called rattle pouches, case weed, blindweed, poor-man's parmacettie and sanguinary, referring to its blood stanching capability. In Ireland it is called clanuedeyouch, a name given in allusion to the begging of lepers who used to stand at crossroads with a bell or clapper, receiving their alms at the end of a long pole.
This plant is considered to be of European origin, although some claim that it came to Europe from Asia. It is found all over the world although early settlers said that it was not found in the New World before the Pilgrims settled here. Like Plantain and other well established American herbs, it followed European settlers wherever they travelled, eventually becoming one of the most common weeds in the country.
In England from earliest times it was used as an astringent in diarrhea, especially employed in veterinary use to check purgings in calves. Later its effectiveness came to be doubted, so much so that it has hardly been tested in modem times and modern writers rather discredit its use.
However, it's hard to gainsay the accumulation of historical evidence which is remarkably consistent. In Gerard's 1597 herbal the plant is said to “stay bleeding in any part of the body, whether the juice or the decoction thereof be drunk, or whether it be used poultice-wise, or in bath or any other way else”. Culpepper said too that it would help any bleeding whether caused by inward or outward wounds. It would help with spitting or voiding blood in saliva or urine. It would even, he claimed, stop the periods of women. He also said that you could bind the herb to the wrists or soles of the feet to cure jaundice and drop the juice in the ears to “heal the pains, noise and matterings thereof'. A good ointment could be made of it for any wounds whatsoever (Cul:171).
The French gypsies would bathe wounds with a strong brew of the whole herb and then plug it with clean cobwebs, according to herbalist Levy, who claims she cannot define a clean cobweb but can report success with the technique! (Lev:Common:134).
In China the seed pods are eaten as food by many of the poor people, even to the point of being cultivated. The Chinese characters represent the meaning “protecting life plant” because it is said to drive away mosquitos and other nocturnal insects. The root and leaves are used medicinally, acting upon the liver and stomach. The ashes of the leaves are used in bleeding and in the treatment of sore eyes. The fruits, or seed pods, are said to act the same way even to “clearing the vision” if used over a long period of time. The flowers are said to destroy certain parasitic worms and to control dysentery (Shi:92).
Far and away the most claimed use of the plant is to stop bleeding. During World War I, when other anti-bleeding plants could not be obtained, a decoction of the Shepherd's Purse was effectively used to stanch the bleeding of wounds. It has specifically recommended for mild intestinal hemorrhage or gastric hemorrhage resulting from ulcers (Ell:354). It has been used to check profuse menstruation especially when the flow is colorless and too long or too frequent (Felk:274). It is good for bleeding piles and for any form of internal bleeding, such as from the lungs, colon, kidneys and bladder (San:177). As mentioned above it is excellent to check excessive bleeding after childbirth, many women preferring a tincture of the herb taken frequently, internally, until the bleeding diminishes.
The herb has been administered for blood in the urine which can be caused by a lesion of the urinary tract, contamination during menstruation, the expulsion of lochia after childbirth, prostate disease, tumors, poisoning and toxemia (Weiner:175). The herb has also been useful where uric acid or insoluble phosphates or carbonates produce irritation of the urinary tract (Ell:354).
Aside from its application in bleeding the herb has a rather wide variety of uses. It is a first rate remedy in catarrhal conditions of the bladder and ureters and also in ulcerated conditions of the bladder including abscess. It is especially indicated when there is white mucus matter voided with the urine (Gri:739). It will often work as a diuretic when the urine flow is for some reason limited. When the urethra is irritated and scalding urine results it can quickly relieve the problem. “Indeed the whole pelvic viscera is charged with new vigour, either directly or indirectly” (Luc:Common:180). Mixed with agrimony, lady's slipper, corn silk, oak bark and licorice root it is said to stop bedwetting. It can be mixed with yarrow and agrimony for the same purpose (Ibid:180).
The herb has often been used to remedy indigestion possibly because of its tonic hotness. It has indeed been used as a general tonic thus attesting to the importance of including it as a culinary herb.
Extracts of the plant have been laboratory proven to prevent duodenal ulcer formation induced by stress in rats, and to show definite anti-inflammatory activity under a variety of test conditions in animals. Extracts have also shown “significant anti-tumor activity against several experimental tumor systems in laboratory animals”, although the extracts do not inhibit the growth of bacteria as other herbs do, such as garlic and cayenne (Weiner:175).
The herb as been used to treat non-malignant tumors in women, as well as an external rub for rheumatic joints (Eli:354).
Shepherd's purse acts to constrict the blood vessels and thus can raise blood pressure but it has also been said to regularize blood pressure and heart action whether the pressure is too high or too low (Lust:355).
It is sometimes used as an antiscorbutic although some laboratory analyses have revealed rather low quantities of Vitamin C. It may be, however, that through transformation in the digestive tract the combinations of materials in the plant might help prevent scurvy.
It is said to contain significant amounts of Vitamin K which can help promote blood clotting which is an interesting possibility considering its widespread styptic use.
It is sometimes used to promote uterine contractions during labor and can promote bowel movements in the same way (Lust:355).
It is good to give in fevers and in dropsy. The fresh juice on cotton (and we can assume the tincture as well) has been used to stop nosebleed.
Although some disdain the peppery flavor of Shepherd's Purse, it is an excellent source of nutrition for man and animals. The plant has been used as a substitute for spinach and is very good when blanched. It has a good flavor of cabbage which makes it a nice addition to fresh salads (Mouiton:296).
The plants and seeds are well liked by small birds and some could collect it to supply bird feeding stations. It is a healthful addition to the wild birdseed diet. Poultry seek it eagerly, and people who must raise chickens in confinement would do well to pull handfuls of this herb, as well as of wild lettuce, comfrey, plantain, purslane and other succulent wild greens, to give to their poultry in cages. You will be amazed at how eagerly the chickens devour this wild food and how the quality of their eggs vastly improves with this simple addition to their diet. To let your chickens run free and find the greens themselves is of course a better alternative. When cows overfeed on the herb, however, it is said that their milk takes on an unpleasant flavor.
Used for hemorrhaging, as a styptic, as a seasoning, for diarrhea, food, for your liver, stomach, sore eyes, dysentery, piles, used after childbirth to control bleeding, as a diuretic, for bedwetting, indigestion, ulcers, tumors, blood pressure, scurvy and to promote uterine contractions in childbirth.
Extensive laboratory work has evidently not been done on this plant. It contains a volatile oil and various other constituents, including an alkaloid known as bursine.
None of the combinations contain Shepherd's Purse, although it is sold in tincture form.